Alpha Course
Alpha is a place to ask the big questions of life. Get together – online or in person – and watch a series of episodes that explore the basics of the Christian faith.
What to expect?
Each session will last 90minutes and will include a quality episode from the Alpha Film series which help us dive in to the theme for the session and are conversation starter as we break into groups to discuss and journey together.
It’s at times like these those we start to ponder and question meaning and purpose. Alpha is a safe place to ask the big questions of life. We will be asking questions like 'Is there more to life than this?' 'Who is Jesus?' 'Why did Jesus die?' and best of all you are welcome to come and belong.
Alpha is a series of sessions exploring the Christian faith, run over ten weeks. Each talk looks at a different question around faith and is designed to create conversation.
Alpha is run all around the globe, and everyone is welcome.